
Name: Alisa
Age: 25+
Interests: Writing, Manga, Video games, Anthropology, DWRP
Timezone: PST/GMT -8
Gleefully unapologetic multi-shipper, lover of cute, RPer and writer of ficlets. Just here to have fun and chat with friends.I play FFXIV but try to keep my accounts separate to avoid spoiling people! Can be found over at ~lodestarsongDNFI
-Do not follow if you are a minor, this blog is not necessarily NSFW but I do occasionally post or link fanfiction that might be, and occasionally like NSFW posts. I am not comfortable with exposing minors to that. I will softblock and block for my comfort. If I find a minor has been following me anyway, I will block them immediately.
-If you believe people deserve to be harassed or shamed over fictional ships, i want nothing to do with you. Please touch grass.-The usual DNFs also apply. Homophobes, Transphobes, Ableists, Terfs, MAPs, creepers, racists, etc. Strange it has to even be said, but I have a zero tolerance policy, I don't want assholes around.-I can and will softblock and block for any reason I feel like. I curate my online experience for my own comfort, and it isn't necessarily a critique of you as a person if I block, rather me not wanting to deal with opinions that annoy or exhaust me.

Discord: Ask!

Fandoms: Trails/Kiseki series, Star Ocean, Servamp, Bungou Stray Dogs, Spiral, Tales of, Nier: Automata, FFXIV, Genshin Impact, Twisted Wonderland, various RPGs. Various animanga.

Current biggest OTPS:☆ Dazai Osamu/Atsushi Nakajima
★ Oda Sakunosuke/Dazai Osamu
☆ Joshua Bright/Estelle Bright
★ Rean Schwarzer/Crow Armbrust
☆ Fie Claussell/Laura S. Arseid
★ Kuro/Gear
☆ KuroMahi
★ Zhongchi / Tartali / Chili
☆ Beiguang
★ WoL/G'raha
☆ Uri/Than
⋆And many, many others⋆